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Our residents are involved in advocacy at the local, state, and national level.

Getting Involved:

Becoming involved in advocacy at Holtz is easy, since our population consists of largely uninsured and underserved patients. Our PGY-1s develop an advocacy project during their Development rotation and are encouraged to implement the intervention. The population health track is designed for residents who are particularly interested in community health. Listen to one of our current PGY-3s talk about why she chose UM/Jackson and the advocacy opportunities available to our residents.

Community Involvement:

  • Mobile Clinic: community outreach program
    providing pediatric care to uninsured patients
    throughout Miami Dade County where residents
    rotate during PGY2

  • School Health: residents rotate through clinics
    based in local schools as PGY3s and on
    Adolescent Medicine




  • GME Taskforce to Enhance Diversity with resident involvement from multiple specialties

  • All 6 Jackson hospitals, including Holtz, have been named LGBTQ Healthcare Equity Top performers in the Healthcare Equality Index 2020 report and have been for the past 9 years 

  • White Coats for Black Lives movement supported by the residency program - see if you can spot some of our pediatric and med-peds residents and attendings protesting (particularly Tobe Ubu, Meds Peds Class of 2022!)​

















  • Residents have previously been involved advocating for gun safety at the March for our Lives in D.C. in 2018, protesting the 3200-bed detainment center for child asylum seekers located in Homestead of asylum speakers in Homestead in 2019, and many other issues 













COVID Response:

  • Jackson has PPE supplies appropriately staffed on all floors, making it easier for residents who need PPE acutely to receive it from the floor on which they work

  • to provide PPE for all residents including face shields/goggles, N-95s, and surgical masks.   

  • CIR provided extra funding for PPE for residents, providing N-95s to all resident

  • CIR currently advocating for hazard pay increase

  • Pediatric mobile clinic is providing COVID testing in the community


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